Awakened Spirit is community of yogis with a deep love for the Earth and her people.

We offer yoga trainings, continuing education, retreats and resources with a holistic focus on yogic philosophy, earth care, and heart-centered living to support positive change for individuals, communities, and the planet. 


Look within to create a life in alignment with your highest potential.

The practice of yoga brings us into alignment with our energetic and physical bodies. When we align our bodies in asana, we can find health in our tissues, access great wisdom and uncover inner strength. When we align ourselves with our truths we can live a life informed by our values, led by the heart. Our holistic approach to teaching creates the space for you to discover the alignment that best supports you.


Embody your true power to rise.

When we are in alignment with our truth, our authentic power is revealed. As we re-member our wholeness and allow all of ourselves to come forth, we embody our innate power to create, to heal and to transform. We believe that through this process you develop the formula for your own empowerment. Our approach supports you in integrating your gifts, finding your voice, and stepping out into the world with clarity as an empowered and heart-centered leader.


Change your perspective, change your world.

When we are empowered on an individual level, we shift how we see our place in the world. Our offerings support you to explore your deepest potential and expand from a place of true coherence. Our approach sparks inner transformation, inspiring creativity, harmony and compassionate living for all beings.

Simply Transformative

"The Sacred Earth online course is simply transformative. I came in knowing I wanted to be a yoga teacher, and came out 200 hours later confidently knowing how to be a yoga teacher - but beyond that, I became part of a community of people who are living their most impactful, most purposeful, most profound lives! The facilitators are world-class, and I'm recommending the online program to everyone. I look forward to the day when I can join the Awakened Spirit community in Guatemala!”

- Jodie Lightfoot, Vancouver

The Best Investment

"The wonderful facilitators here have given us such a great framework for understanding ourselves better, understanding our behaviours, and how those ripple out into the world and into our connections with others. This is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and I couldn’t recommend the experience more to anyone else. My biggest advice is go for it!"

-Morgan Masters, UK

Align with your True Nature

"During my YTT, I gained a deeper insight and understanding into who I am and how I want to show up in the world. My life now feels so much more aligned and in flow with my values and my true nature. My yoga practice supports me to slow down and tune in. It supports me to stay grounded whilst traveling. It's my sense of 'home' no matter where I am in the world. I now make conscious decisions that truly align with my truth. This has created shifts in many areas of my life; my relationships, my lifestyle, my home and my career to name a few!"

- Sharna Pinkey, Perth